We will be having an Essence Festival this year, but it will be slightly different. Due to the ongoing Covid situation we have had to change plans but we hope to keep the heart of Essence Christian Arts Festival very much alive!
This year we are making Essence Festival available in two ways, first by having a day of live sessions online for people to link in with from wherever they are.
Secondly, we feel strongly that we have to do all we can to meet up with people in person. So we will be taking Essence Festival on the road for smaller gatherings and events around South and West Wales. So far our plans include:
* Poetry in the Park
* Big Sand Art Sessions
* Transient Art Walk
* Photo Marathon
* Campfire story telling
* 1000 Lights Art Installation
* Community Drumming
All of these we will be able to run with social distancing in place and provide covid safe sessions for all who attend. If you would like to help host one of these sessions, please get in touch!